We receive a lot of questions about tattoo removal. There are a lot of misconceptions (i.e. you only need one treatment, it can only be done on lighter skin types, etc.) In this post, we intend to educate you on our FAQ’s and give you all the 411.
What laser do we use at Belle Vie?
We use the PicoWay laser. It is one of the most advance technologies on the market. It treats multi-colored tattoos on different skin types! It gets it’s name because unlike traditional lasers, PicoWay delivers energy to the targeted ink in shorter but faster pulses! These pulses are measured in picoseconds (a pico second is one trillionth of a second!)
Can it be used on colored tattoos?
PicoWay treats multi-colored tattoos. It’s great for both black and white tattoos and colored.
What skin types can the Pico be used on?
The pico can be used on all skin types, including darker skin types. The fast delivery of concentrated high-powered energy helps ensure that the ink is effectively shattered while the least amount of heat possible is transferred to the skin. This is one of the reasons it is safer for darker skin types!
How many treatments will I need?
There is no way to give an exact estimate of how many treatments will be needed. There are multiple factors that play a role; color of ink, how much pressure the tattoo artist used, age of tattoo, and more! It is a process, there is no ballpark answer because of these factors.
For best results:
Make sure there is no sun exposure 4-6 weeks before and after treatment. Put SPF on tattoo. Make sure to wait until tattoo is fully healed from previous laser treatment (at least 8 weeks) for next treatment. This will decrease your chance of scarring.
For more information or to schedule your complimentary consultation; call or text us at 562-865-0802